The Church of Ascension has many ministries in which people use their spiritual gifts and talents to serve and encourage the church community and the broader community of Burwood East.
We extend a warm welcome for you to make contact with us by phone, by email or by joining us at worship or event. If you have questions about God and the meaning of life we invite you to come and join the search with us.

Marriage Preparations
With life experience, spirituality and a sense of fun, Fr Anthony Frost can assist engaged couples or those exploring the possibility of marriage to build strong foundations for their future together as they prepare to exchange some very major and life-long promises. Weddings can take place in our church or in an appropriate place of your choosing.

Pastoral Support
It is through the hands, voices, ears and compassion of people that God's healing presence touches our lives and makes a difference. There is a strong commitment throughout this parish to care and support one another in times of need, both in the parish and in our wider community, through our work in and support of the Peter James Centre, Uniting East Burwood Centre, and St Mark's Community Centre Fitzroy.
We enact our mission of pastoral support through initiatives that invite people to share their gifts and talents in the following ways:
Providing support to those experiencing grief by visiting bereaved families offering practical support and assurance of the prayers and sympathy of the parish.
Visiting aged care residences, hostels, and house-bound, regularly.
Visiting those unable to attend a church service due to illness, age, or disability.
Children's Ministry
We love to help kids grow in their relationships with Jesus, their family and each other! The parish provide a rich and dynamic program for the children among us. All volunteers and Parish Council members have completed the Child Safe Environment training and hold current Working with Children certification.
Baptism (or Christening as it is sometimes called), First Communion and Confirmation are exciting steps on the journey of faith and a mark of celebration. Use the Contact Us Form to make an enquiry.

Prayer Ministry
At Ascension we believe in the power of prayer. Prayer is simply a two-way conversation between you and God, as we listen we hear his voice and are guided by his word and his answers. Prayer is powerfully intimate and helps cultivate our personal relationship with God. We welcome an opportunity to pray for you if you have a concern or need. If you require prayer ministry please contact the Church office on (03) 9802 4863.

Worship & Music
From the joyous sounds of children’s voices in Godzone to the majestic sounds of the organ on Good Friday, and Easter jubilation, a rich variety of music that is in harmony with the ministry of God’s word is a constant part of the life of our church, speaking in a way words cannot speak of our thanksgiving and praise to the God who has so richly blessed us.
Parish Activities
The Parish has many active groups led by enthusiastic parishioners such as Scrabble, Chess, Monthly Lunch, Friday Coffee and Chat group, Winter Soup Lunch, Trivia Night, Spring Music Festival, Community Hymn Sings and anything else we can think of - Come and join us for friendship, fun and food! Look in our latest bulletin for information to see what's happening.